Integrity policy


We adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR is a law that governs how personal data is processed and strengthens an individual’s rights regarding their privacy. The law has been in force in all EU member states since 25 May 2018.

Below you will find a list of questions and answers about the personal data we collect, why we collect it and how long we will store it. If you have any further questions, you are always welcome to contact us via

What personal data does Björn Axén save when I buy something from

  • What personal data does Björn Axén save when I book a salon treatment?
  • What personal data does Björn Axén save when I buy something from
  • What personal data does Björn Axén save when processing a case with Customer Service?
  • I have taken part in a competition. What information will Björn Axén save?
  • What personal data does Björn Axén save to develop and improve products and services?
  • What personal data does Björn Axén save to comply with the company’s legal obligations?
  • How long will Björn Axén store my personal data?
  • How do I change my communication preferences?
  • How do I know Björn Axén stores my personal data securely?
  • As an individual, what rights do I have under GDPR?
  • How do I get Björn Axén to delete my personal data?
  • How do I request a copy of all the information Björn Axén has saved about me?
  • How does Björn Axén manage cookies?
  • Does Björn Axén share any of my personal data with third parties?
  • What sources does Björn Axén use to collect my personal data?
  • Will Björn Axén change this privacy policy?
  • Who is responsible for the personal data Björn Axén has collected?
  • Who should I contact if I have any questions about data protection?

What personal data does Björn Axén save when I book a salon treatment?

We need to save the following information:

  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Address
  • Invoice address
  • Email
  • Treatment history
  • Information about your treatment, e.g., colour record cards
  • Any additional information you have provided us
  • Number of products
  • Number of services
  • Year and date of treatment
  • Your hairdresser’s name
  • Number of visits
  • Gender
  • Pictures you have chosen to upload

We use your details to send booking confirmations, booking reminders and review requests. We also use this information for work with booking administration, cancellations and rebookings, customer service cases, processing guarantees and complaints, identification, and marketing. We also use some of this information for analytics purposes to help us continue to improve our offers.

We will save the information in our booking system for as long as you are an active Björn Axén customer. If three years have passed since your last salon treatment, we will delete all the information we have about you and your bookings.

What personal data does Björn Axén save when I shop online?

We need the following information to be able to accept payment and supply our products and services:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Date of birth
  • Mobile number
  • Address
  • Payment history
  • Payment information
  • Communication preferences
  • Order history
  • Any comments you have made
  • Location and IP-address

We use the information you submit to us for receiving payment, ensuring delivery of your products, for identification purposes, marketing, processing Customer Service cases, guarantees and complaints, supplying information about the status of your delivery and enabling you to log in to My Pages. We also use some of this information for analytics purposes to help us continue to improve our offers.

You will need to accept our purchasing terms and conditions to be able to shop from By accepting these terms and conditions, you also agree to our privacy policy.

We will save the information you provide when your shop in our online store for 36 months from the date of your last purchase.

What information does Björn Axén save in connection with a Customer Service case?

We save the following information in order to protect our common interest (legitimate interest) to resolve Customer Service cases or related matters:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Telephone number
  • Comments, feedback and answers you have provided us via email or the contact form on our website.

Information Björn Axén has access to but does not save includes:

  • We process your information so we can contact you about customer service cases, returns, complaints, our customer satisfaction guarantee, with information about cancellations, repayments, answers to questions made online and for identification purposes.
  • Customer Service cases submitted to us via email or the online form will be saved until the matter is resolved.
  • Any information you share online about Björn Axén brand, products, or services – for example on blogs and social media channels – will be saved in line with the particular platform’s regulations. Björn Axén is unable to take responsibility for this information.

I have taken part in a competition. What information will Björn Axén save?

We save the following information in order to protect our common interest (legitimate interest) and to conduct, judge and manage competitions:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Telephone number
  • Any comments or answers
  • Permission to send marketing information by email (if applicable)

We use the information you provide us to communicate with you before and after the competition and to issue any prizes.

Information submitted in conjunction with competitions will be deleted as soon as the competition is over.

What information does Björn Axén collect in order to develop and improve its products and services?

We save the following information with the aim of improving our products and services and to be able to offer you a more personalised experience (legitimate interest).

  • Technical information, e.g., IP number, device, information about cookies
  • Order history
  • Feedback on our products and services
  • Demographics e.g., age and gender
  • Geographical information, e.g., language preferences and location
  • Click and visitor history

We process your personal data in order to adapt and improve our website, develop and improve offers, sort our customers based on interest and behaviour patterns, compare historical data and improve IT systems.

Data saved for analytics and improvement purposes will be held for 36 months.

What information does Björn Axén save in order to comply with the company’s legal obligations?

Björn Axén saves information about your purchase in order to comply with the company’s legal obligations, e.g., consumer, tax, and accounting legislation.

How long will Björn Axén store information about me?

Björn Axén never saves any information longer than we believe to be necessary to be able to deliver good service and develop our business. We never store information any longer than the law permits. You can always ask us to delete your personal data and we will do so if it is legally possible.

How do I change my communication preferences for Björn Axén?

You can easily change your communication preferences (subscribe or unsubscribe) via our booking service or by logging in to My Pages on bjö Contact customer service.

How do I know Björn Axén stores my personal data securely?

Your personal data is safe with us. Our IT systems are secure and protect your confidentiality, privacy, and access to your personal data. If you believe that your personal data has been processed incorrectly, contact us via and we will do everything we can to help you.

As an individual, what rights do I have under GDPR?

The GDPR gives individuals a number of rights regarding how companies process their personal data. For example, you can request that your information is corrected, deleted, blocked, or transferred.

Read more about your rights on the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection website here.

How do I get Björn Axén to delete my personal data?

Contact us via and we will delete all the information we have stored about you, unless the law stipulates that we must save this data for tax or accounting purposes.

Please note that if you ask us to delete your information, you will no longer be able to book treatments at our salon or log in to My Pages on All previous history such as colour record cards or purchases from will be lost. Naturally, you are always welcome to re-register at any time.
If you want to unsubscribe from any email communication, simply click the link at the bottom of the most recent email you have received from us.

How do I request a copy of all the information Björn Axén has saved about me?

Contact us via and we will be happy to help. Please note that for security reasons, the information we have about you on record can only be sent to the address where you are registered.

How does Björn Axén manage cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that contains information and is saved on your computer. If you do not want to save cookies, you can change the settings in your browser.
The Swedish Electronic Communication Act (2003:389) states that anyone visiting a website that operates cookies must be notified that the website contains cookies and why they are being used. The visitor must also consent to their use.

Our website uses cookies for purely technical reasons to improve user functionality. Cookies are only used when they are absolutely necessary, meaning they will not be used if website features can function without them, or if cookies can be deleted without incurring any unreasonable costs or disadvantages for the user.
Here you can read more about how we use cookies.

Does Björn Axén share any of my personal data with third parties?

Your information can be shared with companies that process personal data on behalf of Björn Axén. These are referred to as “data processors”.

Booking system
To be able to manage and process salon visits

Logistics partners
To be able to collect and send goods

To be able to deliver your order to your door or service point

Email client
To be able to send out emails such as delivery confirmations and marketing communication

Payment solution
To be able to take payment for products and services

IT services
For us to be able to offer you technical platforms, such as online stores

We have never – and will never – share or sell your information to third parties who are not our data processors.

We will always share the information if we are legally bound to do so, for example upon request from public authorities, the Swedish Tax Agency or the police.

What sources does Björn Axén use to collect personal data about me?

In addition to the information we collect about you or that you provide, we can also request information about your credit score from credit bureaus or banks. This applies if you wish to pay via invoice.

Will Björn Axén change this privacy policy?

Yes, it is possible, if the law changes or if/when we introduce additional personal data processing systems. This is version 1.3 of the privacy policy, and a copy of this version will always be available from Customer Service.

Who is responsible for the personal data Björn Axén has collected?

Björn Axén Institut AB, company registration number: 556358-3037, address Birger Jarlsgatan 33, 111 45, Stockholm is responsible for the personal data collected by Björn Axén (the data controller).

Who should I contact at Björn Axén if I have any further questions about data protection?

If you have any more questions about how we protect your privacy at Björn Axén, you are always welcome to contact us via